Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back on Blogger

The introductory post:

I am once more "shouting to the void" of cyberspace - not to be confused with "crying in the wilderness" - though my message today calls to repentance and belief.

I read this AP news story on the Federal Reserve after school today and heard the tramp of doom. It seems the federal government is deliberately trying to destroy our nation.

[I have begun imagining Mr. McCain, Mrs. Clinton, and Mr. Obama as competing for the privilege of handing over the keys to the country to the UN - or some other "one-world-government" organization. Perhaps Mr. Bush is even trying to hurry the process, hoping things will collapse before his time in office is done.]

Conspiracy theory aside, giving the Fed more power seems a recipe for disaster. I don't deny things economically are in a fix - more than I know, I'm sure. But giving more power to an organization that controls money cannot be done lightly. If the hope is to shore things up so folks won't feel the consequences of foolish and greedy choices, then it's bound to fail - and better sooner than later. Has top-down manipulation (of anything) ever brought healthy results? Does the free market still exist? Won't those who are ethical and wise eventually prevail against those who are unscrupulous and blind? Call me an idealist...

Repent: turn from hope in big government.
Believe: find hope in the wisdom and justice of Jesus Christ. His rule over individuals is the only remedy for national disaster.

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