Friday, August 8, 2008

He is no fool...

... who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. ~Jim Elliot

Giving up has such negative connotations. And perseverence is so biblical. But - when I persevere in my own story and give up on God's, I'm a fool. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it."

My story is so pathetic - self-centered and limited by my own understanding. God's story is glorious - mysterious - and it centers on the beautiful, victorious, gentle, powerful, unchanging King Jesus!

This summer I was called to give up the security of three years teaching 7th and 8th grades to take the 1st and 2nd grade opening at Immanuel Christian School. I was called to give up a short half-week with Susque's Adventure Camp to serve new Staff-In-Training for four weeks. I don't know all the reasons God made changes in my plans, but I'm glad he did!

Being forced to rely on God grows faith and brings blessings. For one, I am getting to see God clearly at work writing his story. And part of that has been discovering the friendship of this Katlyn girl who is in love with Jesus...

Monday, June 16, 2008


Freedom to suffer the consequences of one's actions.

That's what I want. That's why I've joined Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty And I still plan on writing him in when I vote in November.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why not Obama?

Again, it's been the Baylys who have brought the clarity of God's Revelation to my attention. This article is from one of their readers: "Destruction of Bodies AND Souls"

An excerpt:
"Barack Obama is a figure of carefully crafted modesty. Whether in his nuanced, nebulous "positions," or in his studied, opaque demeanor, Obama's power has been his ability to promise radical change in a cloak of moderation and modesty. And despite the fact that his positions on abortion are actually worse (God forbid) than Clinton's, he has managed to convince Christians (I know many) of his moderation, or at least his overall acceptability. I mean, even if one disagrees with him on abortion, it's not the only issue, right? What about poverty, illiteracy, spiritual insensitivity, education, disenfranchisement, immigration?

Ah, yes, yes. How often I remember Scripture's warnings about the dangers of illegal immigration! How keenly I recall the prophets thundering against illiteracy! How vociferously do the apostles denounce habitat destruction! And how could we forget Paul's enviable sensitivity to the religious traditions of the Athenians?"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Do you support Death?

I've been wondering if all issues boil down to life and death. Certainly some do. As a Christian, I must oppose death - even as I embrace my own. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." or "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." That is why I must speak, in spite of my fear of man, against any that promote death.

The Mordor Party

Friday, June 6, 2008

Biblical Preaching

about 26 min: "Your best friend is the one who tells you the most truth." In America we have become so thin-skinned that no one can rebuke us; no one can tell us we are wrong... We don't want to offend... One of the greatest distinguishing marks of a false prophet is that he will always tell you what you want to hear.

about 54 min: "The only thing that's going to save the church in America - there's only two possibilities: One is a total reformation in our preaching and our study of the Word of God. And the other is fierce, horrifying persecution."

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Be Fruitful...

Disturbing story on the environmental impact of contraceptive pills and the inconvenience such science is to the liberal agenda:

The Pill as Pollutant

Found via the Bayly blog

Progress for Paul

Fifteen and nine tenths percent for Ron Paul in the Pennsylvania primaries! Mr. McCain got less than 75% of those who voted. Those who abstained, not liking the media's proclaimed winner (perhaps unaware that a true conservative was still running), signal the despair or frustration in the Republican party. I've not said it publically - and it is cliche, but "Dr. Paul cured my apathy!"

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dear friends,

In former times, I had one response to all political conversations: "Don't bother me." I hated politics: the unintelligent arguments, the character attacks, the lack of objectivity; it seemed a hopeless mess, and I was lazy.

This year, I have two things to say about politics:

One, Ron Paul is the only candidate I'm aware of who understands and values the liberty of the American people. His truly conservative position (consistent for more than thirty years) returns the federal government to its limited historic constitutional duties: securing borders, defending the nation, and regulating trade. We, the people, gave it those powers; all others we retain as individuals or sovereign states. However, we've come to expect the government to be our savior; and politicians are quick to promise what "their" government will do for us (play nursemaid, vending machine, or big brother). By accepting their "solutions," we too willingly give up freedoms that others gave everything to get.

Two, the loss of political liberty is only indicative of the slavery embraced by rejecting God's Word. "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint" (Proverbs 29:18). It has been said that a people unable to restrain themselves will not be restrained by any government. The solution cannot be reached by politics, legislation, military strategy, or economic manipulation. The destructive excesses we glimpse now will only increase. Ron Paul's "Hope for America" - based as it is on the Christian principles underlying the Constitution - will not be sufficient to check our descent into black chaos. The only real hope for America (or the world) is the Word of Life held out by the church. What liberating truths have we stifled in fear, embarrassment, or unbelief? What responsibilities (like caring for the needy) have we abdicated to the government? What loving restraints do we neglect to put upon ourselves, our children, our neighbors, our elected officials? Jesus wasn't just a gentle guy who wandered around doing nice things for people; he preached the gospel which means he told the truth about sin - and salvation. And the truth will set us free!

In Hope for America and the world,
Keith D. Knowlden

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back on Blogger

The introductory post:

I am once more "shouting to the void" of cyberspace - not to be confused with "crying in the wilderness" - though my message today calls to repentance and belief.

I read this AP news story on the Federal Reserve after school today and heard the tramp of doom. It seems the federal government is deliberately trying to destroy our nation.

[I have begun imagining Mr. McCain, Mrs. Clinton, and Mr. Obama as competing for the privilege of handing over the keys to the country to the UN - or some other "one-world-government" organization. Perhaps Mr. Bush is even trying to hurry the process, hoping things will collapse before his time in office is done.]

Conspiracy theory aside, giving the Fed more power seems a recipe for disaster. I don't deny things economically are in a fix - more than I know, I'm sure. But giving more power to an organization that controls money cannot be done lightly. If the hope is to shore things up so folks won't feel the consequences of foolish and greedy choices, then it's bound to fail - and better sooner than later. Has top-down manipulation (of anything) ever brought healthy results? Does the free market still exist? Won't those who are ethical and wise eventually prevail against those who are unscrupulous and blind? Call me an idealist...

Repent: turn from hope in big government.
Believe: find hope in the wisdom and justice of Jesus Christ. His rule over individuals is the only remedy for national disaster.