Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dear friends,

In former times, I had one response to all political conversations: "Don't bother me." I hated politics: the unintelligent arguments, the character attacks, the lack of objectivity; it seemed a hopeless mess, and I was lazy.

This year, I have two things to say about politics:

One, Ron Paul is the only candidate I'm aware of who understands and values the liberty of the American people. His truly conservative position (consistent for more than thirty years) returns the federal government to its limited historic constitutional duties: securing borders, defending the nation, and regulating trade. We, the people, gave it those powers; all others we retain as individuals or sovereign states. However, we've come to expect the government to be our savior; and politicians are quick to promise what "their" government will do for us (play nursemaid, vending machine, or big brother). By accepting their "solutions," we too willingly give up freedoms that others gave everything to get.

Two, the loss of political liberty is only indicative of the slavery embraced by rejecting God's Word. "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint" (Proverbs 29:18). It has been said that a people unable to restrain themselves will not be restrained by any government. The solution cannot be reached by politics, legislation, military strategy, or economic manipulation. The destructive excesses we glimpse now will only increase. Ron Paul's "Hope for America" - based as it is on the Christian principles underlying the Constitution - will not be sufficient to check our descent into black chaos. The only real hope for America (or the world) is the Word of Life held out by the church. What liberating truths have we stifled in fear, embarrassment, or unbelief? What responsibilities (like caring for the needy) have we abdicated to the government? What loving restraints do we neglect to put upon ourselves, our children, our neighbors, our elected officials? Jesus wasn't just a gentle guy who wandered around doing nice things for people; he preached the gospel which means he told the truth about sin - and salvation. And the truth will set us free!

In Hope for America and the world,
Keith D. Knowlden

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