Wednesday, November 25, 2009


There is never an ideal time to write. I was reminded of this again while reading Edith Schaeffer's Hidden Art with my wife. How often does one have all the good intentions of sitting down to write a letter to someone (or email) and yet never actually do it? How often have I hoped to write a blog post catching up or recording the adventures of the past year? Anyway - the recommendation is to write. Just write - even if it doesn't come out profoundly or even correctly. That is hard for me and my pride. This advice doesn't negate editing or re-writing or even discarding - but insists that writing actually happen. So - I've got five minutes left of my self-appointed writing interval to say something more.

I'm enjoying Sundays. Katlyn and I are trying to take seriously God's command to keep the Sabbath - one of the ten that seems to slip through the cracks. There are times our obedience is inconvenient: not buying gas, not grabbing forgotten things at the store, not eating out for a nice date. But those are the negatives. The positives far outweigh them: no homework! Relaxing time for reading, crocheting, journaling, writing, discussing the sermons, praying, getting to know one another better, talking about the future - our hopes and goals...

My time is up. Write on!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Narcissism, ADHD & Stalking

I suppose everyone has heard the joke about how YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are going to merge to form one super time-wasting website called YouTwitFace. from Mark Dove commenting here:

Sunday, September 13, 2009


...that blessed arrangement...

What a year! That Katlyn girl became my wife on June 13. And we were immediately reminded (repeatedly) that this is God's story, not ours. His orchestration is flawless, and and he daily supplies the necessary grace to follow his leading and cover our blunders. I am thrilled beyond ready words, and so will write no more - except to say:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!